When applying for a Flight Centre Mastercard you must have ID and Proof of Address
Accepted forms of ID:
- New Zealand Driver Licence
- New Zealand Passport
- Australian passport
- Any other nationality passport with a valid NZ Residency Visa
Accepted forms of Proof of Address:
- In addition, if you apply using any passport other than a New Zealand passport you must also have proof of address, which is either:
- Utility Bill (includes telephone, internet, SKY TV, electricity, gas, insurance, land and water rates)
- Account Statement from a bank, building society or credit union
- Insurance policy
- A letter or statement from Inland Revenue Department
Please ensure that your Proof of Address document: Has been issued in the name of applicant and not older than 3 months.
Has a printed address that matches the one used in the “Information for Credit Application” form (if applicable)
Has a physical address (rather than a PO Box)
For any queries, please contact 0800 500 450.